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Our Pitches

Disfruta de la naturaleza

There is plenty of space for all mesures and needs. A very nice free-camping area and 80 pitches with electricity 6 amps.


Our affordable prices include hot water, swimming-pool (01/06 to 15/09) and the use of the sports and leisure areas. Should you like to check prices and availability or just book please use the reservation frame on the picture above.

Troncos Pitch

You deserve a break!


Suitable for all types of vehicles and camping equipment.


  • The average surface area is 60 sqm.
  • Some have sails installed to provide the shade you need (meters high). Reserve as soon as possible and don't be left without them!
  • They are equipped with electrical connection (10A).
  • Our prices include hot water and swimming pool in summer season.
  • Free Wi-Fi.


Reserva aquí

Ebro Pitch

Very spacious


Enjoy and relax on our parcel with a large space


  • The average surface is 100 sqm
  • Suitable for all types of vehicles and camping equipment
  • They are equipped with electrical connection (10A).
  • Our prices include hot water and swimming pool in summer season
  • Free Wi-Fi


Reserva aquí

Valderredible Parcel

Enjoy and relax on our large plots:


Enjoy and relax on our large plots of land:


  • The average surface is 120 sqm
  • Suitable for all types of vehicles and camping equipment
  • They are equipped with electrical connection (10A).
  • Our prices include hot water and swimming pool in summer season
  • Free Wi-Fi

Monte Hijedo Parcel

The largest


Enjoy and relax on our largest plot


  • The average surface is 160-180 sqm
  • Suitable for all types of vehicles and camping equipment
  • They include a pergola or sail to provide shade
  • They are equipped with electrical connection (10A).
  • Our prices include hot water and swimming pool in summer season
  • Free Wi-Fi


Acampada libre

Para acampar a tu aire, como un auténtico boy scout!


  • Nuestros precios incluyen agua caliente y piscina en temporada.
  • Sin toma eléctrica

Velilla Parcel



Suitable for all types of vehicles and camping equipment


  • The average surface is 60 sqm
  • Some have sails installed to provide the shade you need (meters/high). Reserve them as soon as possible and don't miss out!
  • Our prices include hot water and swimming pool in summer season
  • Free Wi-Fi




¡Pincha aquí abajo!


Calle Real 37


Phone: +34 613718797




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